Friday, January 6, 2012

I saw Dr. Ron Shasy (ENT) today. If you ever need to see an EN, you should check him out. I love doctors that are though but works at a very face pace since he isn't going to play any games. It's really nice to walk out of a doctor's office with a detailed plan in place.

The fluid that was in my ears has drained out but he still believes my eustachian tubes are blocked caused by chronic sinusitis so he put me on cipro and prednisone even though I've had GI issues/triggered a flare with it before because I'm not "allergic" to it. Even though these two medications might not help a lot to get rid of my sinus infection before Monday it will give my system a jump start on it along with just being a good thing to do with the thinking that I will most likely be having surgery sometime in the near future.

He checked my hearing and scoped my nose and has scheduled a CT scan of my sinuses on Monday. After the CT scan I will see him again to go over it at which time he will most likely schedule sinus surgery ( asap. If we aren't able to have that done within a couple of weeks he will go on and put tubes in Monday at his office to give me some relief until then but if can get the sinus surgery in soon he'll just wait to put them in until then.

In other health news- I'm still vomiting a lot, looking pale, no to very low energy, not eating a lot between not having much of an appetite and being nauseous most of the time, running low grade fevers, being very weak, etc. Somehow though my blood work continues to look good and I've been able to keep myself hydrated though so that's a really good thing.

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