Monday, January 23, 2012

Post-Op Sinus Surgery

I had balloon sinusplasty sinus surgery ( last Wednesday and am doing well. While recovery was not and is still not any fun it's not been as bad as I thought it might be. The swelling and bruising has gone away now, most of the bleeding has stopped, and the pain has started to decrease although it hasn't been too horrible considering what I was expecting. The post-op nurses told me that the first thing I told them was that I could breath through my nose better and had more energy then pre-op and that fact still stands today which is a great thing. Today I was able to get out of the house to run some errands and while I'm pretty tired this afternoon, I'm doing pretty well considering I just had sinus surgery 5 days ago. Also, I had been in a flare up for the 3 weeks before surgery and surgery actually knocked me out of it which is amazing since normally it's the other way. I have a meeting with my disability lawyer, a post-op appointment with my ENT and an appointment with a neurologist scheduled for the couple of weeks so until then doing the recovery thing.

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