Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Time to Catch Everyone Up on How Things Have Been in the Last Three Weeks

There's been a lot going on health/medical wise for me in the last couple of weeks so this is kinda going to be a catch-up post.

I saw a neurologist last week and was pretty much told that I have one test showing some nervous system/nerve damage while a different test showing the total opposite. I now have an appointment with a nerve specialist at UK in May that may or may not be helpful in figuring out if nervous system problems can be ruled in or out. 

Recovery from the sinus surgery I had three weeks ago has been pretty easy. It fixed the problem with my sinuses not draining like they should and should greatly decrease the amount of sinus infections I get on a regular basis but not help with the vertigo and ear pain problems. I have had an increase in energy since surgery though so that's been a welcome effect of having the surgery.

I had balance testing done today which came back normal. In some ways that's a good thing but in other ways it's not since I we still don't know what is causing the vertigo but the doctor who ran the balance testing said that even with or without knowing what's causing it most people have improvement of symptoms after trying vestibular rehabilitation. So, that's my next step on this issue and will starting that as soon as the physical therapy company calls me to set it all up.

I'm doing pretty good when it comes to eating and exercising here lately but brain fog has become a big issue. I've messed up a couple of appointments in the last couple of weeks and I've had to start get people to check over things for me which sucks but it's what needs to happen right now.   My chronic abdominal pain has also settled down some too which has been nice.

I think that's everything but I see my main two doctors next week so there will probably be another update sometime next week.

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