Thursday, February 23, 2012

Doctor Appointment after Doctor Appointment after Doctor Appointment.......

He's a long much needed update. Have had a ton of doctor's appointments lately but nothing has changed dramatically. Exhaustion has set in between being up several nights vomiting all night in the last couple of weeks and not really sleeping good the other nights so I apologize ahead of time if this post doesn't make any sense.

I had my second post-op appointment with Dr. Shashy (ENT) this Monday.  He said I'm healing well and wants me to start balance physical therapy within the next 2 weeks. He will be putting a tube in my right ear on the 5th to see if that helps also helps with my balance, ear pain, and ear drainage problems. If it does help on my right ear he will do the left two weeks later.

I saw Dr. Mitchell (my PCP) last Wednesday. She's pretty concerned because my depression and anxiety has got a whole lot worse lately in part to do with the fact that I'm having difficulty taking and keeping pills on a regular basis and my quality of life is getting less and less as I am getting sicker and sicker. I broke down in her office today mostly due to exhaustion and frustration but also from a combination of pain, constant horrible nausea, multiple nights spent vomiting, all of the doctor's appointments I have had, disability issues/health insurance issues, and the difficulty all of this has made to my quality of life and my life outside of being sick. She's going to try to get me on some other meds for migraines, sleep, anxiety or depression including trying the remeron again but is going to do some researching  on other ways I can take them besides orally and will call me once she figures all of that out. Dr. Mitchell's really wanting me to take a non-graded class somewhere in something I'm interested in along with volunteering or something like that but my problem with that is I feel like I'm struggling to what I am doing now and if I'm going to do something I have always want to do it right with 100% of my energy towards it and I don't feel like I can do that right now. I'm in the process of trying to find a volunteer position at one of the children's hospital which will combine my personal health/medical knowledge and my love/knowledge of working with kids.

I also saw Dr. Martin last Monday. I was pretty dehydrated so I ended my 4 month no IV fluids streak. I had only lost a couple of pounds since I saw her 2 months ago but my blood work is starting to some signs of malnourished but since I'm still officially over weight and am eating some most days. She did tell me that I did need to start forcing myself to eat again even if I don't have an appetite.

 All hell's broke loose in the week from my period coming then stopping and then coming again which didn't give me much relief at all because normally I'm okay after the day before and the first two days. This month though I got through those three days pretty much  taking demerol and midol around the clock and eating/drinking as much stuff with caffeine in it as I could stand/keep down. Then it stopped for a couple days and the cycle started back again. Dr. Ashmun (GYN) is supposed to be calling Dr. Martin to try to figure out a plan C since Plan A (beyaz and nuvaring-each tried for 4 months) didn't work, actually made me worse and Plan B (Lysteda) which is supposed to make your periods extremely light so Dr. Ashmun thought if my period was very light my cramps wouldn't be nearly as bad and could maybe avoid my period triggering a gastroparesis flare up. Dr. Ashmun is also supposed to run my case by her husband to see if he could think of anything that might be helpful since her husband is a GI with Lexington Clinic. 

I saw Dr. Windisch (urologist) this morning. She has tried two different medications and neither are helping long term for my bladder problems so she believes we are still missing something with her guess being a nerve issue that's causing all of the urological issues. So her office set up a consult for me at the end of March with Dr. Katie Ballert who is also a urologist but is one that specializes in nerve and urology problems. Dr. Windisch wants Dr. Ballert to run more specialized test to figure if this problem is or is not being caused by nerve problems. Depending on what those tests show she's go down one of two different roads- pelvic floor physical therapy/biofeedback or urgent pc treatments. She also suggested a bladder pacemaker like device but I'm not comfortable with that option so Dr. Windisch pulled it off of the table for the time being. 

I think that's all and I hope it makes sense. Yard sale prep has already started for the season, trying to work smarter then harder this year since we have experience. I will tentatively realize the dates soon. Again I appreciate all the positive thoughts and prayers, while physically they don't make me feel better- mentally they do since the fact that I have such a huge loving support system is amazing and I don't think I could get through all of this as well as I have without all of every one's support. 

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