Feeling pretty yucky today but wanted to update this quickly before I forgot to since there's a lot to update everyone about. There's really nothing new to report in the digestive system issues but there's quite a bit to report on other fronts.
I saw an attorney about my Social Security disability case yesterday and didn't really get good news. He believes I have a case but because of my age I haven't worked long enough to have paid into the system enough to get much if anything from social security disability but I may be able to get SSI and a medical card which would be better than nothing since right now I'm on COBRA but it's only good for 15 months. So I'm going to work now on getting my doctor's to fill out questionnaires he gave me. If I can get them in fast enough I may not even have to go through a hearing but if I do he is all willing to help me anyway possible even though he won't be getting paid anything from it since I most likely won't get any backpay.
Also, in the last two days I've found out that I have received financial assistance for several of my medical bills so I won't have to end up paying around $2000 worth of those bills! I still haven't heard if I will get any help by my hosptial bill but I should know something by Friday. Other than that I only owe about $400 in medical bills which is manageable so I can't complain right now.
An update on my car accident. My mom took my car to get the damage documented for the insurance company and to get an estimate. The estimate was over $1000 so we are going to wait to get it fixed until the insurance company is able to get the police report and contact the other person's insurance company since our deductible is $1000. That should be totally waived but we have to wait until the insurance company can get all of the information they need and all. Also, all of my medical expenses will be paid for from the accident (right now it's mainly chiropractor visits) up to $10,000 plus paying me for my mileage going to and from those visits.
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