The new medication my family doctor started me on last Wednesday is helping some. More than anything it is helping me get the rest I so desperately need but it is starting to settle my system down some in return reducing the amount of pain I am in. I am in no way feeling great but it is an improvement to where I was at this time last week. It is also great to actually sleep at night now! Also, after more x-rays and a good cleaning my teeth aren't in as bad as shape as my dentist originally thought!
I did find out today though that I most likely have endometriosis on top of all of the digestive system issues and it could be part of the pain I'm currently dealing with. I go in for more testing to check on that issue on March 1st and after that we will know whether or not I will need surgery to take care of this issue.
I'm still pretty unstable but the vomiting has slowed down for the time being, the pain is starting to get more under control, I'm gaining weight, I haven't had issues with dehydration in several weeks, I'm eating decent and I'm finally getting the rest I need. We head back to Louisville on Wednesday to see what the next steps are with digestive system issues.
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