Not much has changed this week- It's still a daily struggle to eat, drink, and sleep. My pain has been horrible this week even with me pulling out all of the stops I have access to. I have a call into my doctor now so they are going to ask her about it when she gets back in the office. My fever, heart rate, and blood pressure all are staying high still but I still am not losing weight which is a good thing. I've pretty much spent the entire week in the bed because I've felt too bad and too weak and tired to do anything else.
I kinda got the results back from the tests I had done last week. My doctor is currently on vacation so all her nurse could tell me was what was written on the report but I should get more information about the exact results once my doctor looks at them. The gastric emptying scan showed that I have moderate gastroparesis which we already knew and there is now protein in my urine which means my body is actually breaking down my muscles for nutrients and energy (my doctor's nurse said it is to be expected since I'm not eating a lot and there wasn't a terrible amount of it but it is still the beginning of malnourishment). Again, I don't know what if anything my doctor will want to do about this.
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