Thursday, October 27, 2011

Big Update

I will say sorry ahead of time for the long update but since I haven't updated this for a while there are multiple things that I need to include. So here's an update on all of it. Also, if you are reading this blog please leave me a comment so I know about you.

I saw my pain specialist today though who thinks it is the best option for me would be a neurostimulator but my insurance won't approve that right now so he's going to try a celiac plus block. It's in the air whether that will help me but the possible benefits out way the risks and if it does help it should give me 6 or 8 months of relief and if it works it will prove to my health insurance company that a neurostimulator will work for me. That will happen on November 15th unless something changes.

My primary care doctor has put me on medication for my daily migraines and depression and she wants to send me to have a tilt table test done but it can't be done when I have any type of infection and I've had several in the last month or two. She also plans on sending me to a neurologist for the migraines once she gets down to the bottom of my recent kidney issues. For the last week or so I've had right flank pain, I've had the chills, my ankles are swollen, I haven't urinated much at all and when I did I had to strain to go at all. At first she thought it was a kidney infection but that has come back negative so I had an ultrasound of my kidneys and bladder today to look for kidney stones or other issues that might be causing the issues. I should hear back about that on Monday.

My GI doctor is happy where I am at and how I'm doing besides she wants me to exercise more and cut dairy out of my diet again since I'm lactose intolerance but just seemed to forget about that somehow. Most of the time I'm eating again which she liked to hear but I still can't eat normally. I can though eat a pretty large amount and balanced diet as long as I eat very often and eat very small amounts each time. I continue to gain weight but that is not a concern of hers right now especially since I'm starting back to exercise again and I'm not malnourished.

I have started doing biofeedback twice a month to hopeful help me to deal with the pain, nausea, and stress that comes along with this illness. So far I haven't noticed any difference even though my vital signs are showing a difference.

I have also started back to pilates once a week now and while that has caused me to be really sore and sick for several days after each class with every week I go those issues decrease so that's promising. I'm trying to also do some form of cardio at least two or three days a week but that doesn't always happen.

I'm still going to the chiropractor and getting a massage twice a week during most weeks courtesy of my car insurance company. It helps to just settle my body down since when I vomit a lot or are in a lot of pain, etc. my body freaks out and all of my muscles tense up.

I'm also working hard to get my social life back again but it's difficult because my schedule does not work well with most. My goal is to get out with friends at least twice a week but I'm okay if it only happens once a week.

Lastly, all of our yard sale stuff is done until next spring but I continue to try to sell items on craigslist and look for other opportunities to get money coming in even though I can't work really at all due to the way my illness is. I do plan on posting several items on craigslist and looking into selling some sort of crafts on an etsy site.