I'm a 25 year old female with a teaching degree but I'm unable to teach or move out on my own due to health issues. I've seen many different doctors and hundreds of tests no one has been able to figure out what is wrong with me and I continue to get worse as time passes by. So I'm hoping that someone will see this on here and be able to help me or can send me in the right direction. I'm going to try to not make this a book so I'm only trying to hit the high points but if you have questions or are confused send me a message. I hope it makes sense to others when they read it but I'm having a rough day and I haven't slept much.
It all started 9 years ago with some nausea and abdominal pain especially after I ate. My primary care doctor could not figure out what the issue was so he sent me to see Dr. Alberto Castellanos, a gastroenterologist here inLexington . Along with many other tests my gallbladder was tested and it was slightly dysfuncting so it was removed. That really didn't help any so thought I had sphincter of oddy dysfunction so I was sent to the University of Louisville since they had better doctors and facilities to test and take care of that. That sphincter was dysfunctional so they cut the sphincter but I still didn't get any better. The doctor I saw at UofL decided to test me for gastroparesis (when your stomach doesn't empty as fast as it should). That test did come back that my motility was a little slow and I got the diagnosis of gastroparesis. That doctor tried a variety of meds before I asked to be transferred back to a doctor here in Lexington since the trips there and back where difficult with me going to school.
I was then sent to see Dr. Kathleen Martin here inLexington to see if she could figure anything out. I'm still seeing her 8 years later. She's really great, very smart, really tried to gets to know me, is willing try new things and listen to me but is very conservative in her treatments. She will not run tests if they don't really need to run or rerun tests if they aren't going to give us more information or put me on medicine just because along with being willing to do whatever she needs to done on an outpatient basis so I can avoid frequent ER visits and/or stays in the hospital. She's tested me for every common thing she could think of and some of more uncommon things too.
I've been to a neurologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, hematologist, a health psychologist, etc. I even saw one of the world's best motility specialists in the nation who found out that I have vagus nerve nueropathy in one of the test he ran but after he ran a ton more testing he decided that the best thing for me to do is get a feeding tube and IV fluids around the clock at home until everything settled down but I decined that offer because it would take what little quality of life I still have away, I'm not underweight or malnourished- actually I'm overweight and continue to gain more, and it would open me up to more infection risks. I had an appointment to go to Mayo Clinic but my insurance wouldn't pay for it.
We've tried a million different medications, diets, lifestyle changes, etc. but I continue to get worse. I have recently changed to a new family doctor since my old one was just kinda throwing stuff under the rug so to speak.
Since I continue to get worse and more issues keep popping up I'm not able to work at all now. I'm waiting on a hearing with social security about getting disability. Also, as soon as we seem to start figuring things out my symptoms change so that makes it really difficult.
Here are a list of my current symptoms in no particular order: "being pale as a ghost" in my mom's words on my face and lips, extreme fatigue, insomnia, migraines, relentless nausea, really dark circles around my eyes, vomiting, chronic severe abdominal pain, blood pressure/pulse extremes, heat/cold intolerance, mostly chronic constipation but diarrhea has been an issue in the past, flushing of the face lightheadedness, joint and muscle pains, bloating, weight gain, occasional low grade fever, brain fog, muscles tension, and symptoms kinda comes in waves or flare-ups when symptoms are worse then normal but I never feel "normal". Things that makes it worse: heat, fatigue, lack of enough sleep or rest, too much activity, eating/drinking too much, etc.
I know that list is not complete but that's all of the symptoms and stuff I can think of since I'm so tired tonight. If I remember anything else I will add it to the list at a later time. My current diagnosis are gastroparesis, irritable bowel syndrome, vagus nerve nueropathy, tachycardia, acid reflux, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and chronic migraines.
It all started 9 years ago with some nausea and abdominal pain especially after I ate. My primary care doctor could not figure out what the issue was so he sent me to see Dr. Alberto Castellanos, a gastroenterologist here in
I was then sent to see Dr. Kathleen Martin here in
I've been to a neurologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, hematologist, a health psychologist, etc. I even saw one of the world's best motility specialists in the nation who found out that I have vagus nerve nueropathy in one of the test he ran but after he ran a ton more testing he decided that the best thing for me to do is get a feeding tube and IV fluids around the clock at home until everything settled down but I decined that offer because it would take what little quality of life I still have away, I'm not underweight or malnourished- actually I'm overweight and continue to gain more, and it would open me up to more infection risks. I had an appointment to go to Mayo Clinic but my insurance wouldn't pay for it.
We've tried a million different medications, diets, lifestyle changes, etc. but I continue to get worse. I have recently changed to a new family doctor since my old one was just kinda throwing stuff under the rug so to speak.
Since I continue to get worse and more issues keep popping up I'm not able to work at all now. I'm waiting on a hearing with social security about getting disability. Also, as soon as we seem to start figuring things out my symptoms change so that makes it really difficult.
Here are a list of my current symptoms in no particular order: "being pale as a ghost" in my mom's words on my face and lips, extreme fatigue, insomnia, migraines, relentless nausea, really dark circles around my eyes, vomiting, chronic severe abdominal pain, blood pressure/pulse extremes, heat/cold intolerance, mostly chronic constipation but diarrhea has been an issue in the past, flushing of the face lightheadedness, joint and muscle pains, bloating, weight gain, occasional low grade fever, brain fog, muscles tension, and symptoms kinda comes in waves or flare-ups when symptoms are worse then normal but I never feel "normal". Things that makes it worse: heat, fatigue, lack of enough sleep or rest, too much activity, eating/drinking too much, etc.
I know that list is not complete but that's all of the symptoms and stuff I can think of since I'm so tired tonight. If I remember anything else I will add it to the list at a later time. My current diagnosis are gastroparesis, irritable bowel syndrome, vagus nerve nueropathy, tachycardia, acid reflux, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and chronic migraines.
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