Saturday, October 15, 2011

July 26th Update

So I went to see my family doctor this morning because my heart rate and blood pressure had been pretty high the last week or so even on medication for it. She got asking me questions about it and my other symptoms and asking me about the small bowel test I had at the University of Louisville back in November. That test showed that I had vagus nerve neuropathy in my small bowel but were told at that time that it wasn’t serious or anything to worry about, there were not treatments for it specifically besides what I was already doing or medications I was already taking for my stomach, and it was only an issue for my small bowel so it did not affect the rest of my body. While my family doctor told me that all was correct she also said that between that, my heat intolerance this summer, the issues with my stomach, headaches and dizziness I’ve been having, my constipation issues, and the problems with keeping my blood pressure and heart rate down even on medication for it all sounded like an issue with my autonomic nervous system (Click this link for more information about the autonomic nervous system:
She said there are several tests that need to be done until she can say 100% that this is the problem so today she has ordered a tilt table test, a 24 hour urine test, a ton of blood tests, and a 24 hour heart monitor test all to be done before the end of the week. Even though she knows this is a lot of test to put me through in just a couple of day but it very important to do them when my symptoms are flared up. I’m supposed to go back to see my family doctor next Friday to go over the test results and talk about where we go from here. There is no real cure per say but symptoms can be treated and there are some different medications I can try to help control the symptoms. It’s really nice to have a doctor who is not playing games with me, is trying to help me get a better quality of life and willing to get down to the bottom of the cause of all of my symptoms. So after the tests are done and I talk to her about the results of the tests I will have more information but right now it’s great to think that we might actually know what is causing me to be this sick for the last nine years.

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