Since my last update I've been able to go back to eating solid foods again without too much in the way of vomiting or increase in abdominal pain. I'm still struggling with drinking enough fluids but I am not dehydrated due to the fact that I am drinking a lot more Gatorade than normal. I was starting to feel better when something else hit me, I don't know whether it is a virus or what but it's took everything out of me. I'm not nearly as tired today as I have been but Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I couldn't stay awake for more than an hour or two at most. Then I started running a pretty high fever yesterday that has yet to go away even with Tylenol. Right now I'm just trying to let it run it's course unless other issues pop up.
In other news, we are yet again fighting humana to cover a procedure to help with my pain control. They don't want to pay for it even though it is better for me in the long run. We have tried several different non-narcotic pain medication and none of them have helped and frankly the pain specialist doesn't believe any other medications will help me for the pain issues due to my digestive system issues. I also go on Wednesday for some tests to check to see if I have endometriosis or not. If I do have endometriosis, I'll be scheduling surgery for them to go in there to look to see if I truly have it then they will try to take it while they are in there. I'll update this after that appointment.
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