Saturday, October 15, 2011

May 12th Update

I'm exhausted so this is going to be a short update. It's been two days since I had the procedure where they injected Botox into my stomach. I wouldn't say this procedure was a piece of cake but it was easier than my last several ones. I'm still really tired, in some pain, and have a total lack of appetite but all of those issues should resolve with time. I start back on domperidone today and am also starting on a medication to help with the pain from the procedure which I shouldn't have to be on for more than a week if that. Time will only tell if the Botox is going to help me or not but my doctor is fairly confident that the combination of the two should help me quite a bit. Until then though it's life as normal which right now consists of a lot of rest, trying to eat what/when I can, etc.

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