Saturday, October 15, 2011

March 10th Update

Here it is almost 48 hours after surgery and my recovery process has not been an easy one. I spoke to my doctor's nurse four times today because I'm having difficulties with peeing and having bowel movements after surgery due to the medications they gave me during my surgery, my nausea has got somewhat better than it has been and I haven't vomited since Tuesday afternoon. I am now also able to eat solids and keep them down all day today which is an improvement but I am still struggling to drink enough though.

I'm also covered from head to toe in a rash and it itches, the doctor can't figure out what might have caused it so now along with nausea medicine and pain medicine, I also have to take benadryl every four hours to try to clear that up. While the vomiting has stopped the pain has increased quite a bit. My doctor's nurse said it is quite normal for the second day is usally harder than the day of surgery because the medication they give you during surgery can last close to 24 hours. The only thing is my pain is only getting worse instead of better especially when from when I got out of surgery until now. My pain was more soreness than anything but now I'm getting sharp stabbing pain around the incision sites when I get up and move around. It sucks! My doctor originally told me this afternoon to stop taking the pain medication and to take benadryl so the rash would clear up even though we don't have any clue to what caused it.

I feel asleep this afternoon and my medication alarm didn't go off so I was 1 1/2hours late in taking my medication and because of that I was in tears from all of the pain. The pain had been getting worse throughout the day so my mom suggested that I call the doctor on call. That doctor said to go back on the pain medication, and add Motrin to the mix but if that didn't help I would need to go to the ER. I'm trying my best to avoid that at all cost, originally my doctor said that if I wasn't feeling any better by Friday morning let them know and they would work me in to see the doctor but I believe I'm going to actually have call them before then if things don't settle down pretty soon I'll be there sooner than later. I totally understand it takes time to heal but I wasn't feeling great going into the surgery and then throwing this surgery into this situation probably wasn't the best thing but you do what you have to do. I do know that there are many other surgeries that are worse than the one I had done but still recovery has not been fun. I just think the digestive system doesn't like to be messed with in any way or form (scopes, tests, and even other surgeries in the abdominal cavity that have nothing to do with the digestive system).

Other than those issues, I have been able to eata pretty "normal" diet today, I've drunk a little more even though it's not nearly as much as I should be. As long as I get settled and say still the pain is manageable but even the slightest movement causes a lot of pain. So right now it's just a waiting game so I can recover from this surgery and move on to continue trying to figuring out what our next step is with the GI stuff.             

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