Saturday, October 15, 2011

March 9th Update

So surgery is in the morning. I'm as ready as I can be for it. After a weekend of pretty much only liquids, not much sleep, a constant temperature and not doing much of anything, I'm going into surgery not 100% but the doctor doesn't seem to think it is a problem. There are risks like any surgery but they are very minimal though. Also, I will be talking to the anesthesiologist beforehand and they are going to do their best to keep my GI issues in check with pre-medicating me for it before any issues come up. Surgery has been scheduled for Tuesday March 8th.           

Last time I saw him he told me a week or two of downtime and I'd be back to what is normal for me right now but today he said the recovery will probably be closer to my recovery when I had my gallbladder removed which was six weeks so we will see. It all really depends on what they have do and what they find once they get in there.

I will try to update this again as soon as I feel up to it after surgery. Thank you everyone for all of your thoughts and prayers. It is greatly appreciated.           

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