Saturday, October 15, 2011

March 1st Update

Fever is gone, still kinda tired but I did have a much better day today than I've have had recently on several fronts. I was able eat well today with minimal pain/nausea because I really watched what I ate, how much I ate, and how often I ate. I'm really going to try to work on this since it seems to help quite a bit, it's just quite difficult to make myself eat that way. With the weather being so nice today and feeling pretty good I was able to go on a very nice walk. It felt so good getting outside and being active again. I can't wait for spring to be here for good so I can get out more, get back to walking and swimming in turn increasing my strength, endurance and overall mood.

Also, if you are reading this I would appreciate it if you would sign the guestbook so I know who is reading/checking this website.           

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