Saturday, October 15, 2011

March 25th Update

Still recovering from surgery, it's getting better and easier with less pain but it's still slow going. I've been able to walk quite a bit the last two days without too much of a problem and was able to cut back quite back on the pain medicine I am taking. Last night I had just made the comment that I had started to feel halfway normal again but I think I spoke too soon. Around the time I was trying to go to sleep I started vomiting and that continued for an hour and the retching made the pain from my incision start up again so constant cycle continues. I'll be happy if I get at least a couple hours of sleep tonight and I'm just glad that I don't have anything I have to do in the couple of days.

So from here I go for my post-op visit with the surgeon and will finally get all of these staples out of my stomach! Then I see the motility specialist at UofL on Wednesday to see if he has figured out where we go from here. Last time I went there he didn't want to do anything until we knew one way or the other if I had endometriosis and I saw a pain management doctor since that was the biggest problem I was dealing with at that time. I saw that doctor but am still waiting on Humana to decide one way or the other whether they are going to let him do any procedures or injections because oral meds are doing too much. Now though the nausea and vomiting have become much more difficult to live with than the pain so I'm hoping he will have some ideas but we will see Wednesday.

Next week is just a very busy week because we're having a yard sale on Friday and Saturday to help raise money to pay all of these medical bills. If anyone does not have the information about the yard sale and would like it please send me an email. I will try to update this a little more often too.            

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