Not much has really changed health wise since I last updated this website. I'm still vomiting almost daily, running a fever, having trouble with getting my heart rate and blood pressure to become stable, and am really struggling with pretty severe pain. I still haven't lost much if any weight which is a good thing since my GI said that that fact tells her that my body has figured out a way to work with what I give it.
Now to an update on all of my recent doctor's appointments. It feels like that's all I've been doing for the last month! I had my first biofeedback session last week and while it was interesting I don't see how it's going to help any with my problems but it's free so I'm willing to give it a few more sessions.I saw the pain specialist again last week and we are going ahead with the spinal cord simulator trial process as soon as they can get it approved by my insurance. Then I saw my gynecologist yesterday where he took me off the birth control pills since they were actually causing more side effects then they were helping. He also released me from having to see him for a year unless there are issues.
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