Saturday, October 15, 2011

June 3th Update

So it's been a while since I updated this but I haven't been feeling very well. I've been struggling daily to eat and keep down solid foods, drink enough, and just even get out of bed. So far the Botox and domperidone isn't doing anything so I'm hoping my GI has some new ideas when I see her on Monday. We figured out this week that part of the reason for all of the recent flare ups is my digestive system just can't handle the ups and downs of my hormones but the only way to fix that issue is to stay on birth control pills but even with that it could take 3-6 months before they level out. The good thing came out of that is my gynecologist actually talked directed to my gastroenterologist on the phone so they could be on the same page and figure out a plan together. Pain has become an issue again and nothing has really helped for it here lately. My hope is my GI might have some suggestions for this too but if not I'll just have to wait until I go back to the pain specialist in July (due to the recent surgery and the Botox procedure he wanted to give my body time to recover from those before he did anything new). In the last several weeks I've also had numerous people question me on whether I am making all of this up, doing it for attention, etc. which is like someone stabbing me in the gut every time. I wouldn't wish this on anyone and why in the world would I wish for a life like this when my friends have a career, are or close to getting married, buying their first home, having kids, etc. That's been tough especially since I've been sick so much in the last several weeks and pretty much only leaving the house to go to the doctor. There's not much else to report and I'm exhausted so this is all of the updating that's going to happen tonight.           

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