Saturday, October 15, 2011

May 14th Update

I think I mentioned that I had an appointment coming up with a pain management doctor- Dr. William Witt. That appointment was yesterday and he has suggested waiting to do anything for the pain for a couple months until I am fully recovered from surgery and the botox has had time to do it's thing. If I am still dealing with pain issues then he said my best real option is this: page=HCP_Overview&navRelId=1000.1003&method=DevDetailHCP&id=10068931&pageDisclaimer=Disclaimer.ProductPage
Other than that I don't have much to new to report. I haven't noticed a difference yet from the botox but it could be a month or two until I do. My appetite has yet to really come back and I've having to push the liquids to keep from having to get fluids on a weekly basis. I've gained quite a bit of weight in the last two weeks without even eating that much but my doctor said it isn't anything to worried about.

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