Saturday, October 15, 2011

February 20th Update

So I guess this last week was just too much for my body because I've gone backwards quite a bit. I'm pretty well where I was a month ago. I'm not able to eat because when I do eat something I either throw it right back up or it causes horrible pain, along with taking every bit of energy that I have. Drinking is a little easier because it only causes pain but even though the pain gets worse when I drink something I am trying to make sure I drink enough so I won't have to have IV fluids. I'm having trouble sleeping again due to the nausea and vomiting. Sitting up for extended periods of time or even taking a shower is difficult again because my energy level is very low again. I'm still hopeful that I'll start going back in the right direction health-wise once I catch up on my rest and chill out for a couple days.           

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