Saturday, October 15, 2011

July 25th Update

Also, I have yet to see any results from the biofeedback sessions so we are going to contunie them but try a couple new things with it to see if my body will respond to that. I had the testing done last week so now my pain specialist office can submit the spinal cord simulator to my insurance company for pre-approval. It's also a waiting game on that because as soon as it is approved I can get it done but it could take months for Humana to approve it even though my pain doctor said that it is covered 99% of time.

 I went back to my GI doctor today. She is not happy with where I am right now but I'm not either so at least we are on the same page but it issue is the more things (medicines, procedures, etc.) my doctors try to help me it ends up backfiring. For some reason my body just wants to be left alone so anytime my doctor's put me on a new medication I normally get all of the side effects plus more digestive system issues. So my doctor wants to just watch things for now but did run blood tests to check on my vitamin levels and to make sure I'm not malnourished. If they come back really low she may put me on vitamins to make up with what I'm not able to get through eating. My blood pressure and heart rate has been all over the place for the last couple of weeks so I'm going to see my primary doctor in the morning to see if we can get that under control especially since the ups and downs are causing headaches and dizziness. One good thing is my weight has pretty much stayed the same since the last time I saw my GI two months ago. The idea of traveling again to see a specialist is off of the table right now since traveling always makes me sicker, it is so expensive, and my doctor is concerned about them either not being any help or even making me worse. So for right now it's just wait and see what happens....                     

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