It's been a crazy month between a million doctor's appointments, our last yard sale of the season, having to spend several days hooked up to an IV to get fluids due to dehydration, lots of vomiting and severe pain, and not much sleep.
My GI doctor is happy with my eating habits, and my weight (which continues to go up even with a lot of vomiting and not eating much). She isn't happy with all of the vomiting but we are already doing everything we can to stop it so it's really just a waiting game and keeping an eye on the hydration levels. My blood pressure, temperature and heart rate is finally starting to set down again so that's a good thing plus I'm not staying so hot like I was before. I am still not malnourished and I haven't got car sick in several weeks which is great since about a month ago everything I was in a car I would get really dizzy, nauseous, and vomiting sometimes so it was difficult to get out of the house to do anything. The weather has cooled down so I've been able to get outside to exercise which has been great!
I saw my primary care doctor yesterday and she has a new plan she wants to try. She decrease the medication I'm on to settle down my heart to once day to hopefully stop my blood pressure from dropping down as low, increased the medication I take for the depression that has become a problem in the last month or two, added a medication to hopefully help my migraines and settle the pain down some so I don’t need to take pain meds as often or not at all if it helps, a nasal spray twice a day for my head congestion which she’s thinking is partly causing some of the migraines and also causing some of the vomiting/nausea issues with all of that draining into my stomach, decreased once nausea med, and wants me to increase a different one since it has less side effects to decrease I take in the hopes of helping up with the dry mouth issue.
She is also going to refer me to neurologist for autonomic nervous system testing.The pain specialist I have seen in the past is now back in his office part time after being out of the office for several month because he had to have major surgery.
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